Sunday, June 03, 2007

The two happiest days in a man's life......

The two happiest days in a man's life are the day when he buys his first boat and the day when he sells his first boat.

Ed and I are happy men today. We sold our boat.

Don't misunderstand. We liked the boat when it was on the water, but it was never on the water enough. It was a pain to launch, it was a pain to take home. Ed didn't / wouldn't / couldn't do it alone, and 'flying solo' wasn't my cuppa.

Fishing might have gotten me out there a bit more..... but then the fish would have cost us $50 a pound instead of $12 at the store. Ed doesn't like fish anyway.

Maybe we just need another sport/touring motorcycle. Someday.

Click on the pics if you wanna see them larger.

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