Thursday, February 02, 2006


....I fixed the leak in my truck cab lamp (or at least I serviced it, I dunno for sure if it's fixed). I used a hair dryer to dry the carpeting in the truck. Hopefully I did a good enough job to prevent mold and mildew.

Then I went up on the roof to figure out why the kitchen fireplace is always full of water. Oddly, there was a tile on top of the opening, but the tile was below grade, so rain would just puddle up there and run down the inside of the chimney. Gravity is an amazing thing. My solution? I cemented the tile to the chimney and covered the fresh cement work with plastic so it can set up correctly. While I was up there, I also taped and trimmed the HVAC outlets to prevent drips. Preventive maintenance.

I registered the R1. $212.25

and I sprayed some of that high dollar brush killer. I'll let you know if it works.

EDIT - The high dollar brush killer won't work. It started raining again. Damn!

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